flowchart TD
filter_dys("(1) Bad LVEF OR (2) low CI AND low HR`")
dys_hypoperf_yes["Access SVR"]
dys_hypoperf_no["Assess SVI and venous congestion"]
filter_dys_svi["Has SVI < 35, VR(+), VC(-)"] -- Yes --> test1
filter_dys_svi["Has SVI < 35, VR(+), VC(-)"] -- No --> test2
filter_dys -- Yes --> type_dys
filter_dys -- No --> B
type_dys["Dysfunctional"] --> filter_dys_hypoperf["End organ hypoperfusion?"]
filter_dys_hypoperf -- Yes and SVR > 1200 --> dys_svr_high["Inotrope +/- vasodilator"]
filter_dys_hypoperf -- Yes and SVR < 800 AND MAP < 65 --> dys_svr_low["Inotrope +/- vasoconstrictor"]
filter_dys_hypoperf -- No --> dys_hypoperf_no